Water Lily
bǎi hé huā
Harvesting season
Spring, Summer
Main region
Jiangsu, Yunnan, Jiangxi
There are similar legends in many countries regarding the emergence of Water Lily. There is a story that once a beautiful nymph lived in a lake, and rose to the water's surface during the day to seduce young men. Blinded by the beauty of the girl, they drowned – the nymph ruined many lives this way. But soon, the gods became furious with her and turned the cunning beauty into a flower; that is why the Water Lily is often called Nymphea.
Lily is popularly known as "Water Queen", not only because of its extraordinary beauty, but also because of its almost endless list of useful substances that its tender petals contain. Among these is the unique nymphea alkaloid. Its healthy influence on nervous system has long been scientifically proven.
All parts of water lily are used in traditional medicine: roots, scapes, leaves, and, naturally, the flowers themselves. In some countries water lily is used as a food. Lily flowers combined with red teas imart a pleasant and soft flavor to a drink.
Main region of planting
– Jiangsu, Yunnan, Jiangxi
Advices for the best brewing
Time 300"
Amount 2g
Water 500ml
Temperature 70 ̊
Steeps 1
International brewing method
Time 30"60"120"180"
Amount 4-8g
Water 150-300 ml
Temperature 80 ̊
Steeps 4
Chinese brewing method
To get the maximum amount of nutrients from the plant, try preparing a lavander infusion. Take 3-4 grams of the dry plant per 500 ml of water and infuse for 10-15 minutes.
Anti-inflammatory effect;
Relaxes the nervous system;
Antifebrile effect;
Soothes the gastric mucosa
Health benefits
Tender, honey, spicy, with a touch of molasses and licorice
The best time to drink