As the story goes, one official, disillusioned with life, decided to leave his home and went with his mother to the mountains. On the way, they came across a lake on the banks of which beautiful white peonies grew. The travelers decided to stay in this beautiful place forever. With the onset of winter, the official's mother became very ill, and no medicine could cure her. But in a dream the patron of old age and longevity Shouxin came to her son and told him that they would be helped by a decoction of tea leaves. The young man was upset – where could he find tea leaves in winter? But, as if by magic, the white peonies turned into fragrant tea bushes that could heal the incurable disease.
Traditionally, Bai Mu Dan consists of two upper leaves and buds. Collection time falls in the middle of spring, when the silver pile on the kidneys is fully formed. This variety undergoes natural withering outdoors or indoors – it depends on the weather. In modern production it is finally dried in an electric oven. Brewed tea is light yellow and the beverage exudes a pleasant floral aroma.